We’ve written a lot of posts about the dangers of electrical fires. But the Durham Fire Department has put up a bunch of fire tips that are especially relevant to the upcoming winter months.
Heaters, as it happens, can be a huge fire hazard when they malfunction. That’s why the Durham Fire Department suggests getting those checked and maintained every single winter.
They also note that you should not be leaving fireplaces and space heaters unattended. People are pretty good about turning them off or putting out fires when they leave the house, but some people are a bit more cavalier about leaving these items to burn through the night. If you can’t stay awake and alert to watch these items they need to be shut off.
You also need to watch the placement of your space heaters. You want to keep them far away from towels, clothes, curtains or anything else that’s flammable.
Of course, the best option is to simply avoid space heaters altogether. They’re notorious for causing fires and they don’t do very much to keep your home warm. People turn to them when their heaters aren’t working as well as they should, which is another fantastic argument for getting maintenance on your primary heating system.
When’s the last time you got your heater checked? If this vital task hasn’t been done this year, call The House Doctors. We have HVAC professionals on staff now, and we can perform the routine maintenance that will keep your home and family safe this winter.